Let me tell you a story about artistic style

For a long time (like, "over a decade and a half" long) I was really worried I'd never find a unique style for my art. I'd spent years combing through inspiration, imitating other styles, trying out techniques, but still nothing resonated with me.

Some old watercolor paintings from as far back as 2015

Then, out of nowhere, I happened upon it by accident.


There was no grand plan, no rush of inspiration– I'd just been playing around with my watercolors after work one day. But as the painting took shape it slowly dawned on me that this was what I wanted my art to look like: colorful, bold, playful, and (most importantly) mine.

The recognition of my style was immediate, the discovery was accidental, but its development took a lot of work. Should my outlines be solid and bold? How did I layer those colors? Did I give that area a wash before I started? How much metallic paint is too much metallic paint? It’s taken time and experimentation, but in the years since then, I've slowly zeroed in on what aspects of the style make it mine.

I spent over a decade looking for my style before stumbling into it, and then years developing it into something consistent. It’s a constant reminder to me about the equal value of persistence, practice, and play when it comes to any skill.

The evolution of my style